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The uThukela Marine Protected Area (MPA) Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) Project

The WILDTRUST, an environmental NGO, through support from the Blue Action Fund and multiple partners, is driving the 5-year uThukela Marine Protected Area (MPA) Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Project. The project seeks to improve the natural environment in and around the uThukela MPA, through a series of interventions that will make the region more resilient in the face of the devastating impacts that come with climate change.


The project is uniquely founded on the understanding that the success of the implementation of marine interventions also rests on the successful protection and restoration of the coast including estuaries and of this MPA, uThukela. As such the project interventions will cover both the coastal and marine environments.

The project will focus its activities across four different Local Municipalities:

  • KwaDukuza

  • Mandeni

  • Umhlatuze

  • Umlalazi

And two District Municipalities:

  • King Cetshwayo

  • Ilembe

As well as various traditional leadership areas including Mkhwanazi, Macambini, and Mthembu.

Through initiating nature-based solutions to address the challenges faced within the socio-ecological system, this project will play a significant role in restoring this important area to a productive and regenerative state, in which people and nature can coexist and thrive into the future.

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An MPA is a clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated, and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long‐term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.


There is a total of 41 Marine Protected Areas – or MPAs - in South Africa’s mainland ocean space making up 5.4% of its ocean footprint.

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Nature-based solutions (NBS) is the sustainable management and use of natural features and processes to tackle socio-environmental issues. These issues include climate change (mitigation and adaptation), water security, water pollution, food security, human health, biodiversity loss, and disaster risk management. The European Commission's definition of NBS states that these solutions are "inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience. Such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes, and seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient, and systemic interventions. 

Ref - Nature-based solutions - Wikipedia



We define Ecosystem-based Adaptation as restoring natural function to ecosystems so that they provide extra services to mitigate against climate change effects, such as flood defences and enhanced nursery areas for improving consumable resources etc.

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The uThukela MPA nestled in northern KwaZulu-Natal and named after the uThukela River that flows from the Drakensberg mountains, was proclaimed in recognition of its amazing unique natural features. The rich muddy sediment banks produced over the ages by the uThukela River sediment loads are home to diverse sea creatures with new species recently discovered offshore, and vibrant soft coral and sponge-dominated deep reefs dotted along ancient shorelines.

The uThukela MPA is an Important habitat for prawns and threatened fish species. This area is a valuable fishery support tool and protects critically endangered species such as hammerhead sharks and seahorses. With amazing long sandy beaches and scattered rocky shores, the coast of this MPA is intersected by 9 estuaries, with important mangroves, saltmarshes, seagrasses, and swamp forests.

This MPA is an important area for carbon sequestration and storage and is therefore also a valuable tool in the fight against and adaptation to climate change and mitigation of impacts on the people who depend on these natural assets for resilient livelihoods and diverse opportunities.

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WILDTRUST (registered as the Wildlands Conservation Trust - IT No.4329/1991/PMB) is a South African Non-Profit, Non-Government and Public Welfare Organisation, established in 2004 through the merger of two regional Trusts. It pursues the realisation of its vision of "A thriving and resilient world" through two core programmes: WILDLANDS and WILDOCEANS.

WILDLANDS focuses on terrestrial biodiversity, wildlife protection, empowering and uplifting communities.

WILDOCEANS focuses on marine conservation, protection of marine species, education, advocating for healthy oceans, marine protected areas as well as conducting research and training for future marine experts and policy makers.

WILDTRUST respects the inter-connectedness of all things by bringing humankind and nature back into balance by reducing the impact of humanity, while providing opportunities for people.


WILDTRUST reconnects, regenerates, restores, and empowers people and planet.

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